#137: Listener Q&A
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Brad Kearns tackles more interesting Q&A from Primal Endurance podcast listeners and book readers. Submit your questions at www.primalblueprint.com/
Arnie (58) asks about his fat adaptation and its impact on his performance. [00:01:37]
Do I lose my flight or fight response when I train aerobically? [00:02:24]
The fast twitch muscle fibers that are not using oxygen do not need a high volume of training. [`00:07:22]
How many carbs do I need to consume so that I have sufficient glycogen during high demand occasions? [00:09:33]
What happens to us when we burn too much protein? [00:14:55]
When you are healthy, getting adequate sleep, eating nutrient intense diet, you are going to get the most out of your body. [00:19:44]
Paul asks why he can’t walk a mile and get his heart rate below 160? [00:22:16]