#94: Listener Q&A
Brad Kearns tackles more interesting Q&A from Primal Endurance podcast listeners and book readers. Submit your questions at www.primalblueprint.com/endurance and they will get covered on the air. Some recurring themes are coming through with many questioners. While the questions relate to the specific needs of the individual, the answers are presented in a manner that applies to a broad audience. Listen and enjoy learning about the challenges and successes of your endurance peers, and come away with plenty of practical tips to help improve your training and competitive results.
Peter’s question is about nose breathing and about integrating strength training into endurance training protocol. How important is the heart rate monitor? [00:02:48]
Peter also asks about maximum sustained power works. How do you integrate those into a marathon training program? [00:06:32]
Do maximum aerobic function training benefit young runners, ages 12 to 13? [00:13:12]
Explaining the difference between the MAF 180-age formula and other calculations. [00:15:43]
What happens with MAF test versus cardiac drift? [00:19:58]
How long can one drift above maximum aerobic heart rate before you negate the training session? [00:21:39]
Could I train exclusively at maximum aerobic plus strength training and count my races for anaerobic training? [00:25:35]
What is happening when my hands seem to be much colder since I have been eating primally? [00:26:40]
Can strength training and sprint workouts be done on the same day? [00:27:09]
Are longer single aerobic sessions more effective than the same volume over multiple workouts in a week? [00:32:44]
This question is from Ryan in Tennessee who asks about long strength training sessions. What is MSP pattern mean? [00:35:35]
In episode no. 37 in the Primal Blueprint podcasts, you mention a stretch you did with plantar fasciitis. What was it? [00:38:04]