#150: Listener Q&A
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Brad Kearns tackles more interesting Q&A from Primal Endurance podcast listeners and book readers. Submit your questions at www.primalblueprint.com/
Estelle asks about her plantar fasciitis. Rest doesn’t work, why? What can she do?? [00:00:33]
Mark is using the adjustable desk. Is there any research of endurance athletes with desk jobs benefitting from the standup desk? What can the guy with the desk job do? [00:06:53]
What about chest freezer cold water therapy? What is a Hexbar? [00:18:41]
Ryan asks: Does it make physiological sense to perform a few sets of relatively heavy squats before my morning run to burn off muscle glycogen and get into ketosis faster for the run? [00:21:44]
Whit asks: Is the MAF calculation is affected by altitude? What about high altitude training in general? [00:23:40]