#149: Listener Q&A
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Brad Kearns tackles more interesting Q&A from Primal Endurance podcast listeners and book readers. Submit your questions at www.primalblueprint.com/
Andy in Germany asks: After a history of minor but annoying injuries, I started to train the primal way two years ago and made it to Kona. I keep measuring my heart rate. Now I am wondering what causes a huge difference in my training heart rate and my racing heart rate? [00:01:19]
Adam wants to know how to regulate his weight gain/loss cycle. What about lactic acid changes in the muscles? [00:12:45]
Wade is a plays hockey which is an extreme stop and start sport. He asks: What is the Primal Endurance approach for training for this type of situation? [00:17:03]
Emma (60) Does your aerobic base differ for each sport: swimming, biking, and running? [00:22:32]
What is the reason for breathing only through your nose while training? [00:25:10]
Can I still incorporate the nose breathing during swimming and bicycling training? [00:28:12]
Pader is a runner and asks about the P-90X training in conjunction with the primal training. [00:29:02]
Jonathan asks: Is it possible for an athlete to come back after burnout? [00:31:41]